Calls It an "Absolute Immoral Act"

MEXICO CITY, MARCH 21, 2007 ( Lawmakers can legalize abortion, but the act will always be immoral, the Archdiocese of Mexico said in the face of a campaign to sanction the procedure in the country's capital.

Father Hugo Valdemar Romero, director of communication for the archdiocese, made this comment today in a press statement regarding a proposal of the leftist majority of Mexico City's legislature to legalize abortion during the first three months of pregnancy.

The press statement of the Archdiocese of Mexico, entitled "The Church Has Not Been Defeated," responds to civil leaders' attempts to deny the Church a voice in the debate.

The statement says: "Neither the Catholic Church, nor the society in which women and men of good will actively participate, has been defeated by those who promote an unjust, irresponsible and criminal law that tries to terminate the life of innocent and defenseless beings in the maternal womb, beings who have the right to be born and to live their own life.

"The Church and civil society have not experienced a loss in the battle for human life that, in fact, has only just begun."

"The Church will not keep quiet," the note added. "The Church has a prophetic duty to denounce sin, evil and injustice. … The Church has to warn of the fatal consequences of a perverse proceeding ruled by egotism and subjectivism that tries to disguise as a right what is in fact licentiousness."

The communiqué added: "The law of God is clear when it categorically states: Do not kill!

"A human law can legalize abortion, but it will always remain an absolute immoral act."

Defending life

On Monday, the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, spoke against the bill. He is a member of the conservative National Action Party.

''I have a personal conviction, and I am in defense of life,'' the Associated Press reported him as saying. ''I have a plain respect for dignity and human life and within this I believe the existing legislation is adequate.''

Current abortion legislation in Mexico allows abortion only in cases of rape, or if the woman's life is in danger.

The Mexican president added that abortion is a "very delicate" issue that could divide society, and asked that the majority in the district's legislature not impose their decisions on those living in the city.

Mexico City is a federal district with its own legislature.

The Democratic Revolution Party also introduced a similar bill Tuesday in the national Senate, where the conservatives hold a majority.

Pro-life groups are planning marches and days of prayer in Mexico City to oppose the liberalized abortion bill.

The campaign will culminate with a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the solemnity of the Annunciation, March 25, which is also observed as the International Day for the Unborn Child.

Code: ZE07032125

Date: 2007-03-21