Putting Together a Traditional Easter Basket
labeled image of Traditional Byzantine Easter Basket.

image of Traditional Paska Bread Loaf PASKA - The Easter Bread (pron, paska). A sweet , yeast bread rich in eggs, butter, etc. Symbolic of Christ Himself who is our True Bread. Usually a round loaf baked with a golden crust decorated with a symbol indicative of Christ. Sometimes a cross of dough is placed on top encircled by a plait giving it a crowned effect, or Greek abbreviations for the name of Christ. The letters XB indicate the Slavonic for "Christ is Risen." CHEESE (Hrudka or Sirets, pronounced - hrood-ka or si-rets) A custard-type cheese shaped into a ball having a rather bland but sweet taste indicative of the moderation that Christians should have in all things. Also, creamed cheese is placed in a small dish and both are decorated with symbols made of cloves or pepper balls. image of block of Cheese

HAM (Sunka - pronounced shoon-ka) The flesh meat popular with Slavs as the main dish because of its richness and symbolic of the great joy and abundance of Easter. Some may prefer lamb or veal. This is usually well roasted or cooked as well as other meats prepared in advance so that the festivity of the day will not be burdened with preparation and all may enjoy the Feast. image of Ham image of Traditional Butter molded in the shape of a Lamb BUTTER (Maslo - pronounced ma-slo) This favorite dairy product is shaped into the figure of a lamb or small cross and decorated as the cheese. This reminds us of the goodness of Christ that we should have toward all things.

image of Traditional Sausage SAUSAGE - (Kolbasi - pronounced kol-bus-i) A spicy, garlicy sausage of pork products, indicative of God's favor and generosity BACON (Slanina - pronounced - sla-ni-na) A piece of uncooked bacon cured with spices, symbolic of the overabundance of God's mercy to us. image of slab of Bacon

EGGS (Pisanki - pronounced - pi-sun-ki) Hard boiled eggs brightly decorated with symbols and markings made with beeswax, indicative of new life and resurrection. image of Pysanky image of Salt Shaker SALT (Sol - pronounced sol') A condiment necessary for flavor reminding the Christian of his duty to others.

image of tub of Horseradish HORSERADISH - (Chrin - pronounced - khrin) Horseradish mixed with grated red beets. Symbolic of the Passion of Christ still in our minds but sweetened with some sugar because of the Resurrection. A bitter -sweet red colored mixture reminds us of the sufferings of Christ. These articles are placed in a wicker basket and a ribbon or bow is tied to the handle. A decorated candle is placed in the basket and is lit at the time of blessing. A linen cover usually embroidered with a picture of the Risen Christ or symbol with the words "Christ is Risen" is placed over the foods when brought to the church. In some places a large Easter Bread (Paska) is made and brought separately in a large linen cloth. If the origin of the people was from a wine growing region, a sweet wine may be brought. image of Basket Cover

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