Originally posted by Professor J. Michael Thompson:
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Dear Carole:
I'm glad that you're edified by "Ancient Echoes." Just do yourself a favor---don't be convinced you're hearing it "the way it was." There are no musical scores from the time of Jesus. This is a nice set of guesses, with some excellent musicianship---but that's all.
Michael -
I think you are confusing the cd to which I am referring (and to which I provided a link) titled "Ancient Echoes" and a different cd with a similar title "Ancient Echoes - Music From the Time of Jesus".
The cd to which I linked and am referring is Alexander Sedov directing Chorovaya Akademia in singing a collection of Russian music from the composers Sheretiev, Nikolsky, Golovanov, Strokin, Bortnyansky, Grechaninov, Riutol, Tchaikovsky, & Chesnokov.
I am not referring to "Ancient Echoes - Music from the Time of Jesus" - which I have not heard and thus I cannot speak to the quality of the music.