Greetings to all. I have a Calendar question that I am certain was covered here many times, but I cannot find with the search (I believe I am not grasping the right keywords?)
Here is what I believe is correct? Please correct me if wrong (due to the high cost of reading materials, I utilize the web for resources, and that is always not the most reliable and my local public library is not very "Eastern Christianity" focused.
Pascha. From my understanding of the 1st Ecumenical Council, Pascha is determined by the qualification of three criteria.
1. After Vernal Equinox. (something to do with March 21st also)
2. Then first full moon. But the full moon must
3. Be after Jewish Passover.
Is that a correct comprehension?
Also, is it a correct assumption to state the Eastern Orthodox Churches that allow the use of the reformed Julian calendars then still require for Pascha that all the parishes drop off the reformed Julian calendar for the movable feasts 10 weeks prior to Pascha?
If it is and the current Julian calendar is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar, and the western calendar shows the Vernal Equinox as March 20th this year, does the original Julian calendar still use the Julian date of March 21st, which would be the western equivalent of April 3rd?
Last, but not least, I recall reading on some Orthodox orientated websites that an early issue encountered in the Eastern Church was having Pascha prior to the "proper" Passover date, and I use the term "proper" to denote possible miscalculations with the Hebrew calendar in the early centuries?
Thank you for your help. As you can see, I have confused myself.
Michael (a sinner)