The Kathisma takes its name from "sitting". Thus it is most appropriate to be sitting during the reading of the Kathisma and the Hymns which accompany each.

The rubrics appearing in the AGES Initiatives Vespers booklets include these directions:

It is appropriate for the congregation to stand for the reading of the Introductory Psalm.

It is appropriate for the congregation to stand for the Entrance.

It is appropriate for the congregation to stand for the reading of prayer.
(before "Vouchsafe, O Lord to keep us this evening....")

The rubrics appearing on the AGES Initiatives Orthros booklets include these directions:

It is appropriate for the congregation to stand for the reading of Gospe
l. (direction placed following the Prokemenon)

It is appropriate for the congregation to stand for the reading of the Synaxarion.

It is appropriate for the congregation to stand for the singing of Ode ix.

It is appropriate for the congregation to stand for the Great Doxology.

In short: Sit for Paalms† and other non-Gospel Scripture. Stand for prayers.

†Other than the opening Psalm at Vespers & Psalm 50/1 after the Orthros Gospel